刘芳 – 琵琶魂系列之二:近代篇 – 中国经典琵琶名曲精选2002 16/44

描述:刘芳 – 琵琶魂系列之二:近代篇 – 中国经典琵琶名曲精选

1986年,11岁时曾为访问中国的英国女王伊丽莎白演奏琵琶独奏曲。1993年毕业于上海音乐学院,1996年移居加拿大,2003年11月7日应邀参加英国广播公司举办的世界艾滋病日音乐会。节目主持人伊恩·麦凯伦爵士赞美道:“这仅仅是一位音乐家,但是用十只天才手指演奏的。”。2005年11月25日应邀参加联合国在巴黎联合国会议大厅为庆祝联合国教育、科学及文化组织成立60周年纪念举办的音乐会。2009年10月1日应邀参加联合国在日内瓦的维多利亚音乐厅(Victoria Hall)举办以“绿色地球”为主题的音乐会。

劉芳是一位出色的琵琶演奏家。她那优雅的演奏体現了琵琶的靈魂,讓人感到她就是琵琶的一部分,因為她把自己深深地融入其中。她眾多的國際性音樂會中包括十一歲時為英國女王的所作的御前演出。她那穩定的高超技巧,不可思議的動態范圍,能夠將听眾從一陣內心的狂野帶至一片蕩滌身心的靜默空靈。劉芳也是一位出色的古箏演奏家。她纖巧的手指輕松自如地在琴弦上优美地跳動,無疑是她多年來勤學苦練的結果。這位藝術家繼續令公眾感到惊訝与迷戀,她的演奏是一种不容錯過的絕妙体驗!” – 蒙特利爾亞洲文化藝術節藝術總監詹尼特�拉姆(Janet Lumb)女士.

This CD is a veritable feast of alluring sounds, ranging from the eloquent and lyrical to the flamboyant and percussive. The varied soundscape produced by one player and one instrument is quite dazzling. Liu Fang’s masterly technique (e.g. tremolo, delicate harmonics, lyrical tunes, and boisterous percussive effects), as well as the music itself — which is based on short sections characterized by ever-changing tempos and dynamics — all evoke an improvised and exciting quality.

The pipa has for a long time been one of the most popular instruments of Chinese classical and folk music. Dating back as far as the T’ang dynasty (618-907), it is a pear-shaped, fretted, short-necked lute with a bent neck which is both a solo and ensemble instrument. Liu Fang studied pipa from the age of six, and is a graduate of the Shanghai Conservatory. She has been based in Montreal since 1996 and has clearly made great inroads in the Canadian and European market.

This CD is the second in a set of three featuring music for the solo pipa. Unfortunately, the liner notes give us no information about the music itself, other than titles and composers. Considering this is aimed at a general Canadian audience, some background would have enhanced most people’s understanding of the form, techniques, and programmatic song titles. The eight featured pieces range from traditional, e.g. The Ambush which depicts an ancient battle scene, to more recent works by composers of the late 19th/early 20th centuries such as Liu Tianhua and Hua Yanjun.


[1] 《春雨》朱毅 文博曲
[2] 《虚籁》劉天華曲
[3] 《新翻羽調綠腰》 楊潔明曲
[4] 《大浪淘沙》 華彥鈞曲
[5] 《月兒高》 《魚兒戲水》《寒鵲爭梅》瀛州古調
[6] 《歌舞引》 劉天華曲
[7] 《塞外吟》 殷榮珠 郁曉光曲
[8] 《十面埋伏》 傳統古曲


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