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opia Consort – as you like it 2023

联合 6 位音乐家,寻求音调多样性、节奏技巧和实验性乐趣——Eva Leonie Fegers,女高音、竖笛和文艺复兴时期的横笛,Alina Loewenich,竖笛,Fabio Kapeller,打击乐,Friederike Vollert,竖笛,Julia Willeitner,中提琴和Alexander Gergelyfi,历史键盘乐器。

经过几年在各个星座的合作,音乐家 Fegers、Loewenich 和 Kapeller 于 2019 年春季创立了乐团。

到那时,他们已经进入了特拉维夫竖笛比赛(ISR)的决赛。7月,他们在拉奎拉(意大利)的Concorso di Musica Antica “Maurizio Pratola”上获得了二等奖。

到目前为止,他们已经在奥地利、德国、意大利和以色列举办了音乐会。2019 年夏天,他们在著名的格拉芬内格音乐节 (AUT) 上演出,并参加了 Ö1 广播电台和 BR-Klassik 的制作。



01. Pavane Helas madame |Schiarazula Marazula
02. Basse Dance & Tourdion
03. Zefiro torna e\’l bel tempo rimena – Ma per me, lasso
04. Gagliarda Terza à 4 detta la Talianella (1)
05. Pass\’e mezzo
06. Si la noche
07. Quodlibet. Waldeinsamkeit – O Elslein, liebes Elslein mein – Es taget vor dem Walde
08. Besame y abracame
09. Paduana a 3 |Quodlibet. Remember my Flow in Hell |Galliard
10. Mojica
11. Gagliarda Terza à 4 detta la Talianella (2)
12. Passacaglio
13. Quodlibet. O schöne Welt |Tourdion |O du lieber Augustin |Ungarescha
14. Sì Dolce
As you like – jocular, sensual, dramatic. opia delves into the musical depths of this game – merging literature from the Renaissance to the early Baroque.
In this atmospheric programme, the musicians interpret sensual songs and lively dances with voice, recorders, viola da gamba, harpsichord and percussion instruments. In different instrumentations, they vary the sound colours from intimate to magnificent chamber music and their own quodlibets.
Inspired by Shakespeare\’s comedy of mistaken identities, we too move musically between worlds: Discovering savoir vivre at the French court, rushing to the cosy Viennese inn, fleeing from the plague into the warm embrace of English melancholy, crossing rushing rivers in the middle of the German forest solitude, feeling the mild west wind of Italy on our skin, and dreaming of great love at night on the Spanish coast.
opia, consisting of 6 musicians, combines tonal diversity, intensity of expression, rhythmic sophistication and experimental joy of playing. Founded in spring 2019, opia has already performed in Austria, Germany, Italy and Israel, including at the Grafenegg Festival and the Innsbruck Early Music Festival. The ensemble focuses on lively interpretation, recomposition and improvisation of music from the late Middle Ages, Renaissance and early Baroque.\n


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