Dinara Alieva – Russian Songs and Arias 2019 24bit/96khz

描述: Dinara Alieva – Russian Songs and Arias

Filled with beauty, passion and drama, these Russian songs and arias go straight to the heart of the nation’s 19th-Century musical soul. Rachmaninov’s popular Vocalise is part of a line which includes songs of love and sadness such as Tchaikovsky’s Op 47, two of which are included here, while yearning melodies, high drama and vivid orchestral colour are to be found in the operas of all three featured composers. Montserrat Caballé has described soprano Dinara Alieva’s rare talent as “the gift of Heaven.”

This album was mastered using Naxo’s 2xHD proprietary system. In order to achieve the most accurate reproduction of the original recording they tailor their process specifically for each project, using a selection from our pool of state-of-the-art audiophile components and connectors. The process begins with a transfer to analog from the original 24bits/96kHz resolution master, using cutting edge D/A converters. The analog signal is then sent through a hi-end tube pre-amplifier before being recorded directly in DXD using the dCS905 A/D and the dCS Vivaldi Clock. All connections used in the process are made of OCC silver cable.

2xHD was created by producer/studio owner André Perry and audiophile sound engineer René Laflamme

14 Romances, Op. 34: 14 Songs, Op. 34: No. 14. Vocalise in E Minor (version for voice and orchestra)
The Queen of Spades (Pique Dame), Op. 68: Act I: Otkuda eti slyozi (Why do you flow, my tears), Lisa’s Aria
Tsarskaya nevesta (The Tsar’s Bride): Act II: Aria: V Novgorode (In Novgorod)
Tsarskaya nevesta (The Tsar’s Bride): Act IV: Ivan Sergeich (Ivan Sergeyevich)
6 Songs, Op. 4: No. 4. Ne poy, krasavitsa (Do not sing to me, my beauty) (arr. R. Stepanyan for voice and orchestra)
Francesca da Rimini, Op. 25, Scene 2: O, ne riday, moy Paolo (Oh, do not weep, my Paolo), Francesca’s Aria
The Queen of Spades (Pique Dame), Op. 68: Act III: Uzh polnoch blizitsya … Akh, istomilas’ ya (Midnight is near … I am tired), Lisa’s Aria
7 Romances, Op. 47: No. 1. Kabi znala ya (Had I known) (arr. O. Dimitriadi for voice and orchestra)
7 Romances, Op. 47: No. 7. Ya li v pole da ne travushka bila? (Was I not a little blade of grass?) (version for voice and orchestra)
Eugene Onegin, Op. 24, Act I: Puskay pogibnu ja (Even if it means I perish), Letter Scene


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