Yo-Yo Ma, Stuart Duncan, Edgar Meyer & Chris Thile – Not Our First Goat Rodeo 2020 [FLAC/24Bit/96KHz]

描述:Yo-Yo Ma, Stuart Duncan, Edgar Meyer & Chris Thile – Not Our First Goat Rodeo

大提琴家马友友在2011年找来三位音乐家伙伴共同合作的《The Goat Rodeo Sessions》发行首周就在公告牌一举拿下古典跨界音乐榜、古典音乐榜、蓝草音乐榜的第一名。不仅如此,《The Goat Rodeo Sessions》还在2013年的格莱美奖拿下分别代表音乐与音响(录音)成就的「最佳民谣专辑」与「非古典类最佳录音工程」。《The Goat Rodeo Sessions》叫好又叫座,实体专辑光是在美国就卖出十六万张。

2020年,《Not Our First Goat Rodeo》邀集原班人马再度合体,小提琴家邓肯、低音大提琴家梅耶、曼陀林演奏家泰尔,再加上格莱美奖歌手兼作词家欧唐纳文,他们在各自擅长的传统音乐领域的精湛技艺与经验,再度在此次合作中相互交织在一起,融合了美国阿帕拉契、中国、古典,居尔特和爵士乐,融会贯通,创造出引人入胜的音乐。这种独一无二的声音,兼具世界音乐的全球化,又兼容浓厚的美国在地特色,是一种共同属于这个世代环境的声音,在我们生活此时此刻,向我们发声。

An astounding group of virtuosos—Yo-Yo Ma on cello, Stuart Duncan on fiddle, Edgar Meyer on bass, and Chris Thile on mandolin—reunite live for the first time in nearly a decade. Joined by featured vocalist Aoife O’Donovan, the lively talents of these exceptional artists come together on stage to create a singular sound that’s part composed, part improvised, and uniquely American—music so complex to pull off that the group likens it to a goat rodeo, airplane pilots’ nickname for a situation in which many different things need to go right to avoid disaster. In the words of the Los Angeles Times, this concert presents “unlikely musicians on unlikely instruments in concerts . . . that [are] part blues, part bluegrass and a smidgen of Bach.”

The Grammy-winning Goat Rodeo Sessions (2011) was the first step in this pathbreaking collaboration, producing music that NPR’s World Cafe called “organic yet composed in a way that only four deeply talented, in-tune musicians could make it,” hinting “at Appalachia, Chinese classical, Celtic and jazz influences.” Now, the group reunites this year to perform a collection of all-new music, accompanied by a new album to be released in Spring 2020 by Sony Masterworks. These five musicians’ diverse traditions and experiences intersect to create a compelling sound that is at once global and American, a shared voice that speaks powerfully to the American experience.
1 Your Coffee is a Disaster
2 Waltz Whitman
3 The Trappings
4 Every Note a Pearl
5 Not For Lack of Trying
6 Voila!
7 Scarcely Cricket
8 We Were Animals
9 Nebbia
10 757 ml


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