Angela Hewitt – Beethoven piano sonatas Vol1 (2006) DSD64

描述: Angela Hewitt – Beethoven piano sonatas Vol1

Angela Hewitt is rapidly establishing herself as 1 of the great pianists of our age, her concert career expanding as rapidly as her discography, so it seems only right that, following her success in tackling 1 of the pillars of classical music in Bach, she should tackle another in Beethoven.
This volume commences a survey of Beethoven sonatas which will couple the well known, in this case the ‘Appassionata’, with the comparatively neglected, here the grandest of Beethoven’s early sonatas, his Op 7. The disc is completed with a superb performance of Op 10/3, one of the early sonatas where Beethoven can be seen breaking the bounds of convention to create the style which would define the great works of his middle period.
All the pianistic hallmarks of Hewitt’s Bach are also to be found here—clarity, attention to detail, singing lines &, above all, a rhythmic drive which energizes & propels the music forward.
This looks like being the start of another very important series of recordings
01-op 10 No.3 Presto
02-op 10 No.3 Largo e mesto
03-op 10 No.3 Menuetto. Allegro
04-op 10 No.3 Rondo. Allegro
05-op 7 Allegro molto e con brio
06-op 7 Largo con gran espressione
07-op 7 Allegro
08-op 7 Rondo poco Allegretto e grazioso
09-op. 57 Allegro assai
10-op. 57 Andante con moto
11-op. 57 Allegro ma non troppo


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